As applicable in the State of Haryana (Amended upto 29th Feb., 1988)


Short title and commencement (Definitions)
(1) This Act may be called the Punjab Ayurvedic and Unani Practitioners Act, 2014.
(2). It extends to the whole of the [State of Haryana].
(3) It shall come into force on such date as the state Government may by notification appoint
Rule 3-B- Renewal of registration:

1 Every registred Practitioner shall get his registration renwed within one month of the expiry of the period of registration on payment of a fee of Three hundred rupees only.
2. If the registered practioner may get hissar. Name re-entered in the register by the Registrar on payment of additional fee of one hundred ruppes within two months after the expiry of the period provided for renewal in sub rule (1).

Change of address to be intimated to Registrar

4. [Section 14(3) and (15)(1)]. (1) Every Registered Practitioner shall send to the Registrar immediate notice of any change in his address and shall also promptly answer all such enquires as may be made from him by the Registrar in regard thereto, in order that his correct address may be entered in the Register.
(2). A Registered Practioner who changes his name shall immediately inform the Registrar about his changed name and shall satisfy the Registrar that he has already notified the fact of the change of his name in a newspaper having a wide circulation in the area in which he carries on his business and published in the leading newspaper in English and Hindi of that area. The Registrar shall, on being so satisfied, correct the Register accordingly. He shall also, on being required to do so by the registered practitioner, make necessary correction in the Registration Certificate.

Entries in Register regarding further qualifications

5. [Section 14 (4)(1)]. (1) A Registered Practitioner who obtains any further degrees, diploma’s; certificates or other qualifications in Ayurvedic System or Unani System or other recognized medical degrees diplomas or certificates and is desirous of getting the same entered in the Register shall make an application to the Registrar about the same along with a fee of one hundred rupees. He shall also furnish along with his application the original degrees, diplomas or certificates, as the case may be, on the basis of which the entry in the Register is sought.
(2). If the Registrar, on receipt of the application under sub-rule (1) and after making such further enquiry as he may deem proper, is satisfied that the applicant is entitled to have entered in the Register the degrees, diplomas or certificates, as the case may be obtained by him, he shall do so. If he is not so satisfied he will giving appropriate causes for rejection:
Provided that no order rejecting any applications shall be passed without giving the applicant an opportunity of being heard.
(3). The application is not rejected may get his Registration Certificate amended from the Registrar on the basis of the entries made in the Register under sub-rule (2).

Issue of duplicate Registration Certificate.

6. [Sections 15 and 54(1)]. If a Registration Certificate is lost, destroyed or mutilated, the Registrar shall on being satisfied about the same, issue a duplicate Registration Certificate on the application of the practitioner in whose favor the certificate, which has been lost, destroyed or mutilated was issued. A fee of one hundred fifty rupees shall be paid by the registered practitioner for the issue of a duplicate Certificate.

Removal from Register

7. [Under section 16 S: and 54(1)] When information reaches the office of the Board that a practitioner has been sentenced by a Criminal Court to imprisonment for such offence involving moral turpitude as been declared by the State Government under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 16 or has been guilty of professional misconduct or other infamous conduct, the Registrar shall make an abstract of such information and place the same before the Board for such action as the Board may like to take under the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 16.
Provided that the Board shall, before passing any order under sub-section (1) of section 16, give the practitioner concerned an opportunity of being heard.

Surrender of Registration Certificate

8. [Section 14(5), 16(1) and 54(1)]. A Registered Practioner whose name is removed from the Register by the Register by the Register under sub-section (5) of section 14 or by the Board under sub-section (1) of section 16 shall on receipt of an intimation of such removal forthwith surrender his Registration Certificate to the Registrar.

Re-entry of name practitioner removed under section 14 or 16.

9. (1) [Section 14(5),16(2) and 51(1)]. Any practioner whose name is removed from the Register by the Registrar under sub-section (5) of section 14 or whose name has been prohibited to be entered in or is removed from the Register by the Board under sub-section (1) of section 16 and who is desirous of getting his name entered or re-entered, as the case may be, under the proviso to sub-section (5) of section 14 or under sub-section (2) of section 16, shall make and application addressed to the Chairman.
(2). Each such application shall be in writing stating the grounds on which the application is made and shall be accompanied by a fresh registration fee if twenty five rupees. It shall also be accompanied by a Certificate of two Registered Practitioners regarding the identity of the applicant.

Publication of List of Practioners

10. [Sections 26 and 54(1)]. (1) The list of practitioners referred to in sub-section (1) of section 26 shall be posted at a conspicuous place outside the office of the Board and the fact of its having been printed and so posted shall be given adequate publicity through such newspaper or newspapers having wide circulation in the State of Haryana, as the Board may decide.
(2). In the case of practitioners registered in Part II of the Register the list shall, instead of indicating the qualifications of a practitioner, indicate the system in which he is carrying on his practice.

Fees for supply of certified copies

11. [Section 24 and 54(2) (i)]. (1) The fees for the supply of certified copies of any order passed by the Board or the Registrar or of any entry in the Register shall be charged at the rate of one hundred rupee:
Provided that if the applicant desires to have a copy urgently, he will have to pay double the amount of fees calculated as above subject to a minimum of two hundred rupees.
(2). In the case of urgent application the copy sought for shall be ready for the delivery to the applicant by the close of office hours of the day following that on which the application is made.


12. [Sections 18 and 54(2) (g)]. (1) Every appeal preferred to the Board under section 18 shall be addressed to the Chairman of the Board and shall be accompanied by a fee of:
(a). Two hundred rupees if it is an appeal against the order of the Registrar passed against the appellant;
(b). five hundred rupees if it is an appeal against the order of the Registrar passed against any person other than the appellant;
(2). Every appeal shall be deemed to have been duly presented if the same is sent by registered post, or is delivered personally or through an agent authorized in writing by the appellant, in the office of the Board.
(3). Every appeal shall by accompanied by a certified copy of the order appealed against and shall contain the following particulars:
(a) the date of the order against which the appeal is preferred;
(b). the grounds of appeal briefly but clearly set out. (4). Every appeal shall be signed by the appellant and verifi
ed in the manner laid down in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, for the verification of grounds of appeal.

Procedure of hearing appeals

13. [Sections 18 and 54 (2) (g)]. (1). If the appeal is not preferred in the manner laid down in the preceding rule or is not accompanied by the prescribed fee it shall be summarily rejected.
(2). If the appeal is not rejected under sub-rule (1) the Board shall decide the same after giving the appellant, and where the appeal is against the order of the Registrar passed in relation to any person other than the appellant, after giving such person an opportunity of being heard. Every decision of the Board shall be communicated to the Registrar who shall give affect to the same.
14. [Sections 14 (2) and 54 (2) (d)] Each part of the Register shall be further sub-divided into the following two sections:- Section A-containing the names of Registered Practitioners who follow the Ayurvedic System.
Section B-containing the names of Registered Practitioners who follow the Unani System.

Particulars to be filled in Register

15. [Sections 14(2) and 54(2) (d)] The Register shall show in respect of each Practitioner, the following particulars:-
(a). Registration Number.
(b). Full name, in case of married woman, her maiden name and full married name.
(c). Father’s name.
(d). Date of birth.
(e). Address.
(f). Place or places and period or periods of training.
(g). Nature of qualifications and dates on which these qualifications were obtained in the case of practitioners registered in Part I of the Register.
(h). System in which practicing in the case of Practitioners Registered in Part II of the Register.
(i). Date of Registration (under this heading the date when new Registration number is allotted to a practitioner already registered under the East Punjab Ayurvedic and Unani Practitioners Act, 2008 B.K., shall be mentioned and in case of fresh registration the date when the name is entered in the Register shall be noted).
(j). Remarks.


16. [Sections 14 (2) and 54(2) (d)]. Each page of the Register shall be verified by the Registrar’s signatures.

Appointment of committees

7. [S. 54 (1)] For consisting of minimum of three members of the Board as it may deem fit for carrying out the required function as may be assigned to it by the Board.
Provided that nothing in this rule shall be deemed to empower a Committee so appointed to exercise such functions as are specifically mentioned in the Act to be performed by the Board or any other authority.

Seal of the Board

18. [Sections 3(2) and 54(1)]. The common seal referred to in sub-section (2) of section 3 shall be kept by the Registrar in his custody. It shall be affixed on each Registration Certificate which is issued under the provisions of these rules and on such other documents as the Chair-man may, by order, direct.

Fees payable to members for attending meeting

19. [Section 22 and 54 (2) (h)] Each member shall be entitled to get an allowance as per government rates per day for attending a meeting of the Board or any Committee thereof which shall be paid in addition to the traveling allowance admissible to him under these rules.

Traveling Allowance admissible to members

20. [Sections 22 and 54 (2)(h)] For attending meetings of the Board or any Committee thereof the official members shall be paid traveling allowance in accordance with the provisions of the Punjab Traveling Allowance Rules as amended from time to time. Non-official members will be allowed T.A at first class railway fare but the allowance for incidental expenses will be paid to them at half the second class fare and if the line by which they travel does provide second class accommodation, 8 paise per mile.
[For the journey undertaken by road, non-official members will be allowed traveling allowance at the rates admissible to Class I Officers of the grade I, in accordance with the provisions of the Punjab Traveling Allowance Rules as amended from time to time].

Deposit of Board’s money in Bank

21. [Section 25]. The Board shall open an account in the state Bank of India [or the State Bank of Patiala] and all moneys received by it shall be deposited in the Bank subject to the provisions of rule 22

Receipt of money on behalf of Board.

22. [Section 25 and (54)(1)]. All moneys payable to the Board shall be received on behalf of the Board by the Registrar or any other employee of the Board authorized by him in writing in this behalf, and shall be deposited in the Bank of the day following that on which these are received.
Provided that the Registrar may keep with him an amount not exceeding two thousand rupees as imprest money.

Maintenance of Cash Book.

23. [Section 54 (1)]. All moneys received or spent on behalf of the Board shall, without any reservation be brought to the accounts of the Board in the General Cash Book to be maintained in the form given in Appendix C under the direct supervision of the Registrar and in his absence under the supervision of an employee of the Board authorized by him in writing.

Preparation of statement of income and expinditure

24. [Sections 25 and 54 (1)]. (1) The Registrar shall in the month of July each year cause to be prepared a statement of the income and expenditure of the preceding financial year ending 31st March and draw the attention of the Board to such matters which appear to him necessary for being brought to the notice of the Board.
(2). The statement referred in sub-rule (1) shall be caused to be prepared by the Registrar under the direction of the Committee appointed by the Board for this purpose.

Preparation of Estimate

25. [Section 25 and 54(1)]. The Registrar shall in the month of October, each year, or on such date as the Chairman may fix, cause to the prepared an estimate of the income and the expenditure of the Board for the year commencing on the 1st of April, of the next ensuing year and shall submit the same to the Board.
(2). The estimate shall make provision for the fulfillment of the liabilities of the Board and for effectually carrying out the purposes of the Act.
(3). The Board shall consider the estimates submitted to it under sub-rule (1) and may sanction the same without any alteration or subject to such alterations as it may deem fit.

Preparation of Supplementary Estimate.

26. [Section 25 and 54 (1)]. The Board may, at any time, during the year for which any estimate has been sanctioned cause a supplementary estimate to be prepared and submitted to it. Every such supplementary estimate shall be considered by the Board in the same manner as if it were an original annual estimate . No expenditure shall be incurred which is not duly provided in the estimate sanctioned under sub-rule (3) of rule 25 or in a supplementary estimate.

Payment of bills

27. [Section 25 and 54(1)]. A bill or other voucher presented as a claim for money, shall be received and examined by the Registrar. If the claim be for an amount not exceeding two hundred rupees and the bill is in order, he shall pay the amount out of the permanent advance. If the claim be for an amount exceeding two hundred rupees payment shall not be made until it has been examined and passed by the Chairman.


28. [Section 25 and 54 (1)]. Amount received by the Board towards fees shall not be refunded under any circumstances. The amount thus received shall remain credited to the account of the Board:
Provided that any amount paid by a practitioner in excess of the prescribed fees shall be credited to the suspense account of the Board and may be refunded if claimed within a period of three years and if no claim for refund is made within the aforesaid period the amount shall be credited to the account of the Board.

Operation of Board’s Account

29. [Section 25 and 54 (1)]. The accounts of the Board shall be operated upon by the Registrar and the Chairman and in the absence of the Chairman by the Registrar and the Vice-Chairman.


30. [Sections 25 and 54 (1)]. The East Punjab Ayurvedic and Unani Practitioners Rules, 1949 and the Pepsu Ayurvedic and Unani Practitioners Rules, 1953, in so far as they relate to matters prescribed in these rules are hereby re-pealed; Provided that the repeal shall not affect anything done or any action taken under the repealed rules which shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules.


The Registrar,
Board of Ayurvedic and Unani System of Medicine,
Haryana, Chandigarh
Application for Registration under section 15 of the Punjab Ayurvedic and Unani Practioners Act, 1963.

I am to request you to please register my name as an Ayurvedic/Unani Practitioner in Part I/II of the Register maintained under the Punjab Ayurvedic and Unani Practitioners Act, 1963. Necessary particulars concerning my case are given here below for your information and record

Dated 20. ………………………………….
Signature of the applicant.

Note :- All cuttings in the application form must be signed by the Applicant himself.
1. Name of the applicant
(in block letters)
2. (a) Married name if any
(to be filled in block letters by married women only).
3. Father’s/husband’s name
4. Place where practicing /will practice Village/Mohalla

Post office
Police Station
,District ,Tehsil.

5. Date of birth
(Attach a copy of certificate in support of date of birth).
6. System in which practicing (Ayurvedic/Unani)
7. (a) Name and address of recognized Faculty/Board/University where studied.
(b) Period of Study in the institutions mentioned above
(c) The name of examination passed .
(d) Year in which passed.
8. If studied privately, intimate:-.
(a). (Name and address of Guru).
(b). Period of study .
9. Period of practice, From.
10. If Registered/Enlisted with any State Board?.
(a). Registration/Enlistment number .
(Enclose a copy of Certificate)..
(b). Name of the State Board.
11. (a) Two thousand five hundred rupees for making entry in the register, and one rupees for the issue of Registration Certificate have been sent,-vide money .
order No. ,date
(b). In case the fee is paid in cash please give official receipt No.
(1). The Registration fee may be sent by money order or may be given in cash to the Registrar, Board of Ayurvedic and Unani Systems of Medicine, Haryana Chandigarh
(2). The diploma/degree of the recognized institutions may be sent along with this application.
(3). Strike out the columns/words which are not applicab

Dated 19. ……………………………………
Signature of the applicant
I, ,son/daughter of shri
resident of village ,post office
police station ,tehsil
district ,and to practice at village/Mohalla
,post office
police station ; ,tehsil
district ,solemnly declare as follows

(a). That I have not been convicted and sentenced by Criminal Court to imprisonment for any offence involving moral turpitude.
(b). That I have not been adjudicated by a competent Court to be of un-sound mind.
(c). That I am not an undischarged insolvent.
(d). That my name has not been removed from the Register of Practitioner maintained by any State Board/Council of Parishad for Professional misconduct.
(e). That I have gone through the Punjab Ayurvedic and Unani Practioners Act, 1963 and rules framed there under. I promise to the abide by the provisions of the said Act and Rules.
I solemnly declare and affirm that the contents given in my application for registration and in paras (a) to (e) above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further declare on Oath that nothing relevant has been concealed.

Dated 19. ……………………………………
Signature of the applicant

Note:- The affidavit is to be attested by an Oath Commissioner or Magistrate First Class.
Signature of the Attesting authority
Name in full Block Letters.
(To be filled in by the office)
Registration application received on Dairy No.
(a). Fees for making entry in the Register and for issuing certificate received on

Official receipt No. ,dated
Cash Book page No. ,Personal Ledger
Page No.
Signature of the Cashier

Signature of the Accountant

Order of the Registrar
Registration No.
Original Certificates scrutinized and returned on
Registration Certificate issued,-vide No. ,dated


[See rule 3(4)]
Registration Certificate


I certify that Shri ,son of
Shri ,has been registered in Part
Of the Register maintained under the Punjab Ayurvedic and Unani Practitioners Act,

1963, as on at Chandigarh.

Date of birth
(i). This certificate entitles the holder to practice within the State of Punjab only.
(ii). The certificate remains evidence of Registration only until the publication of the Printed Register for the year. 19.

Place of common seal. ……………….


Every registered practitioner should be careful to sent to the Registrar immediate notice of any change in his address, and also to answer all enquiries that may be sent to him by the Registrar in regard thereto, in order that his correct address may be duly inserted in the Register. Otherwise under section 14(5) of the Punjab Ayurvedic and Unani Practitioners Act, 1963, the name of such practitioner is liable to be removed from the Register


(See rule 23)


Month Date Folio.No Classified Abstract Departmetal Major, minor And detailed Heads and sub-head of Account Particulars of Receipts and Name of the Persons from whom received Number of Bank Receipt and date Amount Daily Total Remmittance to Bank

No. and date of bank receipt

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The Board of Ayurvedic and Unani System of Medicine,
Haryana, Regulations 1976

The  1976.                                                                                                                                                          No.:-


Short title & commencement

1. These regulations may be called the Council of Indian Medicine, Haryana, Regulations 1976. Time and place at which the Council shall hold its meetings.
2. The meeting of the Council shall ordinarily be held at Chandigarh twice a year in the month of April and October or on such dates as the Chairman may fix of which a notice of not than fifteen days shall be given.
3. The Chairman may, at any time Suo Motu and shall, on a written requisition signed by not less than three members of the Council, summon an extra-ordinary meeting of the Council of which a notice of not less than fifteen days shall be given. Provided that in case of an emergency, the Chairman or in his absence, the Vice Chairman, may summon such a meeting of which a notice of at least three days shall be given.
4. All meetings of the Council shall be convened by the Registrar by a notice addressed to each member, stating the time and place of the meeting.
5. The notice convening any meeting shall declare the purpose of the meeting and it shall be stated therein whether general business or special business shall be transacted; Provided that at any meeting which is convened for special business, no other business than that specified in the notice shall be transacted, unless the Council, by a resolution of the meeting agrees to consider any further
6.Prior to any meeting of the Council, the Registrar shall, under the instructions of the Chairman, prepare a provisional programme of business, and shall furnish a copy thereof to each member of the Council not less same time forward to all members of the Council copies for disciplinary action to be brought before the Council in that meeting.
7. Notice of any motion to be include in the business for a meeting of the Council must be sent to the Registrar at least twelve days before the date fixed for the meeting.
8. (1) The Council may set up committees and sub-committees which shall consist of at least three members of the Council for various purpose to deal with the matters provided in the Punjab Ayurvedic and Unani Practitioners Act, 1963.
(2). The meetings of a committee or a sub-committee constituted under sub-regulation (1) above shall be convened by the Registrar, who shall act as Convener/Secretary of the committee or sub-committee as the case may be.
9. (1) A motion shall not be admitted:-
(a). if the matter to which it relates is not within the scope of the functions of the Council; or
(b). if it raises substantially the same question as a motion or amendment. Which had been moved and either decided or withdrawn with the leave of the Council within six months of the date of the meeting at which it is desired to move the new motion; or
(c). unless it is clearly and precisely expressed and raises substantially only one definite issues; or
(d). if it contains arguments, inference,ironical expressions or defamatory statements.
(2). The Chairman shall disallow any motion which in his opinion is inadmissible under sub-regulation (1) above: Provided that if a motion can be rendered admissible by amendment, the Chairman may, in lieu of disallowing the motion, admit it in an amended form.
(3). When the Chairman disallow or amends a motion the Registrar shall inform the member who gave notice of the motion of the order of disallowance or, as the case may be, of the form in which the motion has been admitted.
 10. The proceedings of the meeting of the Council shall be preserved in the form of printed or typed minutes which shall be authenticated after confirmation, by the Chairman.
11. A copy of the minutes of each meeting shall be sent to each member within thirty days of the meeting.
12. The minutes of each meeting shall, contain such motions and amendments as have been moved and adopted, and amendments as have been moved and adopted, or negative, with the names of the mover and the secondary, but without any comment and without recording any observation made by any member at the meeting. Any walk out by a member or members as protest shall however be recorded in the minutes.
13. The minutes shall be deemed to have been confirmed if no objection to their correctness is received by the Registrar from any member within thirty days of the dispatch of a copy of the minutes to a member.
14. The minutes of the Council shall, as soon as is practicable, after their confirmation, be made up in sheets and paged consecutively for insertion in a volume, which shall be permanently preserved.